
Just a few handy-dandy tips to make your photo session easier:

  • If you have a baby/toddler, make sure their tummy's are full prior to the session. If it's not meal time, give them a snack or bring an easy snack with you to help get them through the hour session. Good snacks include: Cheerios or any cereal, teddy grahams, animal crackers, pretzels (anything quick, easy and not so messy).
  • Please try to schedule children's sessions around their naps so they are as happy as possible :)  Happy kiddos = good pictures!
  • If you're child is going to eat/drink on the way, make sure they aren't wearing their clothes for the pictures - don't want them to get dirty!
  • Make sure your child's face is clean - no leftover food or snot :)
  • If you have something that motivates your child, bring it along for some extra smiles if needed. For example, puppets, stuffed animal, candy.
  • If you have any props you'd like to use - let us know!!  We have a couple chairs, blankets, etc. But if you have something unique that you'd like in your pictures by all means let us know.