Currently: selling insurance with Aflac (contact him if you want some info) :)
Loves: the new camera!
Favorite thing to take pictures of: strange things he finds in nature, seniors, kids
Favorite thing to take pictures of: strange things he finds in nature, seniors, kids
Favorite thing about spring: taking outdoor photos, working on our yard/landscape and grilling
Currently: working in the OB department at KCH and loving on babies!
Loves: the warm weather returning, sunshine, spring coming
Favorite thing to take pictures of: Natalie
Loves: the warm weather returning, sunshine, spring coming
Favorite thing to take pictures of: Natalie
Favorite thing about spring: running outside, sunshine and pool time
Currently: running everywhere, reading books, playing with baby dolls, watching Elmos
Loves: eating, especially Teddy Grahams!
Favorite thing about spring: playing at the park, riding around in her Cozy Coupe
Loves: eating, especially Teddy Grahams!
Favorite thing about spring: playing at the park, riding around in her Cozy Coupe